Tablet coating

Coating of tablets is a technological step of spray coating of both clear and coloured substances, forming a tablet wrapper weighing 1- 4% of the tablet weight.

This coating does not limit the rate of disintegration and subsequent release of active substances into the organism, unless it is an enterosolvent coating, which is directly intended to influence the process of pharmacodynamics, tablet disintegration and subsequent onset of effects in the small intestine.

Coating of tablets is one of the final technological steps in tablet manufacturing and TABLETTING, which enables colour differentiation of tablets, making them easier to swallow, not only by surface treatment but also by enclosing adverse taste and odour sensations inside under the coating. BLISTER PACKAGING, or BOTTLE PACKAGING, is the ideal way of packaging a product treated in this way.

The coating technology of Corposan, s.r.o. is an advanced generation of a system that is both gentle to the active ingredients in the tablets and preserves the physical parameters of the tablets produced. The thermal recovery system and the highly efficient self-cleaning process take into account the environmental sensitivity that is an integral criterion in the strictly monitored production process at Corposan, s.r.o.